May 8, 2011 ·

Learning (Bailey Flanigan Series)Learning in a narrow sense is the process of obtaining knowledge by reading and using the experience as knowledge that guides behavior in the future. Learning according to Psychology expert, learn dalah individual psychological processes in their interactions with the natural environment. While education experts see learning behavior as a psychological-pedagogical process characterized by the interaction of individuals with a learning environment that was deliberately created.

Definition of a comprehensive study by Bell-Gredler (1986) which states that learning is a process conducted by humans to get a variety of competencies, skills, and Attitudes, or the ability, skills and attitudes. The three capabilities are acquired in stages starting from infancy to old through a series of lifelong learning process. The series of the learning process was conducted in the form peandidikan involvement in formal, nonformal and informal.
Learning to Learn: Strengthening Study Skills and Brain Power
Learning as a humane process has an important position and role, both in public life trdisional and modern society.

Learning is often defined as the addition of the expansion and deepening of knowledge, values ​​and attitudes and skills according to Fontana sense conceptually learning is a process that is relatively permanent changes in individual behavior as a result of experience.

According to Gagne learning is a change in the addition of the ability of long-standing and not from the growth process.

And much more sense to learn that have not mentioned all here
So based on some understanding of the above study we as humans need and have lifelong learning as long as we live in Al-Quran Iqro bismirobbika ladzi kholaq (please read this universe by the name of your god) or the Chinese proverb "to the land despite Learn (learn about anything and from anyone and anywhere), Bend the willow Pls it is young (educate children while still young). Berakit kehulu-raft swam to shore (first was to learn later will enjoy the results.)
(Various sources)


May 8, 2011


Learning (Bailey Flanigan Series)Learning in a narrow sense is the process of obtaining knowledge by reading and using the experience as knowledge that guides behavior in the future. Learning according to Psychology expert, learn dalah individual psychological processes in their interactions with the natural environment. While education experts see learning behavior as a psychological-pedagogical process characterized by the interaction of individuals with a learning environment that was deliberately created.

Definition of a comprehensive study by Bell-Gredler (1986) which states that learning is a process conducted by humans to get a variety of competencies, skills, and Attitudes, or the ability, skills and attitudes. The three capabilities are acquired in stages starting from infancy to old through a series of lifelong learning process. The series of the learning process was conducted in the form peandidikan involvement in formal, nonformal and informal.
Learning to Learn: Strengthening Study Skills and Brain Power
Learning as a humane process has an important position and role, both in public life trdisional and modern society.

Learning is often defined as the addition of the expansion and deepening of knowledge, values ​​and attitudes and skills according to Fontana sense conceptually learning is a process that is relatively permanent changes in individual behavior as a result of experience.

According to Gagne learning is a change in the addition of the ability of long-standing and not from the growth process.

And much more sense to learn that have not mentioned all here
So based on some understanding of the above study we as humans need and have lifelong learning as long as we live in Al-Quran Iqro bismirobbika ladzi kholaq (please read this universe by the name of your god) or the Chinese proverb "to the land despite Learn (learn about anything and from anyone and anywhere), Bend the willow Pls it is young (educate children while still young). Berakit kehulu-raft swam to shore (first was to learn later will enjoy the results.)
(Various sources)

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